Dependency Dashboard
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.
These updates are currently rate-limited. Click on a checkbox below to force their creation now.
chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to ^16.18.12 (cookieAuth-staging) -
chore(deps): update dependency @types/react to ^17.0.53 (cookieAuth-staging) -
chore(deps): update dependency sass to ^1.58.0 (cookieAuth-staging) -
chore(deps): update jest monorepo (cookieAuth-staging) ( @types/jest
) -
chore(deps): update dependency @types/react to v18 (cookieAuth-staging) -
chore(deps): update dependency @types/react-dom to v18 (cookieAuth-staging) -
chore(deps): update dependency concurrently to v7 (cookieAuth-staging) -
chore(deps): update dependency cypress to v12 (cookieAuth-staging) -
chore(deps): update dependency dotenv to v16 (cookieAuth-staging) -
chore(deps): update dependency faker to v6 (cookieAuth-staging) ( faker
) -
chore(deps): update dependency jest-junit to v15 (cookieAuth-staging) -
fix(deps): update dependency @testing-library/react to v13 (cookieAuth-staging) -
fix(deps): update dependency @testing-library/user-event to v14 (cookieAuth-staging) -
fix(deps): update dependency connect-mongo to v4 (cookieAuth-staging) -
fix(deps): update dependency express-validator to v6 (cookieAuth-staging) -
fix(deps): update dependency mongoose to v6 (cookieAuth-staging) -
fix(deps): update dependency postcss-cli to v10 (cookieAuth-staging) -
fix(deps): update dependency tailwindcss to v3 (cookieAuth-staging) -
fix(deps): update dependency validator to v13 (cookieAuth-staging) ( validator
) -
fix(deps): update dependency web-vitals to v3 (cookieAuth-staging) -
fix(deps): update react monorepo to v18 (cookieAuth-staging) (major) ( react
) -
fix(deps): update react-router monorepo to v6 (cookieAuth-staging) (major) ( react-router
) -
chore(deps): update dependency @types/react to ^17.0.53 (jwt-staging) -
chore(deps): update dependency nodemon to ^2.0.20 (jwt-staging) -
fix(deps): update dependency cookie-parser to ^1.4.6 (jwt-staging) ( cookie-parser
) -
fix(deps): update dependency mongoose to ^5.13.15 (jwt-staging) -
fix(deps): update dependency postcss to ^8.4.21 (jwt-staging) -
chore(deps): update dependency @cypress/react to ^5.12.5 (jwt-staging) -
chore(deps): update dependency @cypress/webpack-dev-server to ^1.8.4 (jwt-staging) -
chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to ^16.18.12 (jwt-staging) -
chore(deps): update dependency @types/react-router-dom to ^5.3.3 (jwt-staging) -
chore(deps): update dependency cypress to ^8.7.0 (jwt-staging) -
chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-cypress to ^2.12.1 (jwt-staging) -
chore(deps): update dependency jest-junit to ^12.3.0 (jwt-staging) -
chore(deps): update dependency sass to ^1.58.0 (jwt-staging) -
chore(deps): update dependency supertest to ^6.3.3 (jwt-staging) -
chore(deps): update dependency ts-node to ^10.9.1 (jwt-staging) -
chore(deps): update dependency typescript to ^4.9.5 (jwt-staging) -
chore(deps): update jest monorepo (jwt-staging) ( @types/jest
) -
fix(deps): update dependency @testing-library/jest-dom to ^5.16.5 (jwt-staging) -
fix(deps): update react-router monorepo to ^5.3.4 (jwt-staging) ( react-router
) -
chore(deps): update dependency @cypress/react to v7 (jwt-staging) -
chore(deps): update dependency @cypress/webpack-dev-server to v3 (jwt-staging) -
chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v18 (jwt-staging) -
chore(deps): update dependency @types/react to v18 (jwt-staging) -
chore(deps): update dependency @types/react-dom to v18 (jwt-staging) -
chore(deps): update dependency cypress to v12 (jwt-staging) -
chore(deps): update dependency faker to v6 (jwt-staging) ( faker
) -
chore(deps): update dependency jest-junit to v15 (jwt-staging) -
fix(deps): update dependency @testing-library/react to v13 (jwt-staging) -
fix(deps): update dependency @testing-library/user-event to v14 (jwt-staging) -
fix(deps): update dependency connect-mongo to v4 (jwt-staging) -
fix(deps): update dependency mongoose to v6 (jwt-staging) -
fix(deps): update dependency postcss-cli to v10 (jwt-staging) -
fix(deps): update dependency tailwindcss to v3 (jwt-staging) -
fix(deps): update dependency validator to v13 (jwt-staging) ( validator
) -
fix(deps): update dependency web-vitals to v3 (jwt-staging) -
fix(deps): update react monorepo to v18 (jwt-staging) (major) ( react
) -
fix(deps): update react-router monorepo to v6 (jwt-staging) (major) ( react-router
) -
🔐 Create all rate-limited MRs at once🔐
These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.
fix(deps): update dependency postcss to ^8.4.21 (cookieAuth-staging) -
chore(deps): update dependency typescript to ^4.9.5 (cookieAuth-staging) -
fix(deps): update dependency @testing-library/jest-dom to ^5.16.5 (cookieAuth-staging) -
fix(deps): update dependency body-parser to ^1.20.1 (cookieAuth-staging) ( body-parser
) -
fix(deps): update dependency express to ^4.18.2 (cookieAuth-staging) ( express
) -
fix(deps): update dependency passport to ^0.6.0 (cookieAuth-staging) -
fix(deps): update react-router monorepo to ^5.3.4 (cookieAuth-staging) ( react-router
) -
chore(deps): update dependency @cypress/react to v7 (cookieAuth-staging) -
chore(deps): update dependency @cypress/webpack-dev-server to v3 (cookieAuth-staging) -
chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v18 (cookieAuth-staging) -
Click on this checkbox to rebase all open MRs at once
Ignored or Blocked
These are blocked by an existing closed MR and will not be recreated unless you click a checkbox below.
chore(deps): update dependency @types/passport to ^1.0.11 (cookieAuth-staging) -
chore(deps): update dependency nodemon to ^2.0.20 (cookieAuth-staging) -
fix(deps): update dependency express to ^4.18.2 (jwt-staging) ( express
) -
fix(deps): update dependency express-validator to v6 (jwt-staging)
Detected dependencies
Branch cookieAuth-staging
.devcontainer/Dockerfile 0-16-buster
@testing-library/jest-dom ^5.14.1
@testing-library/react ^11.2.7
@testing-library/user-event ^12.8.3
postcss ^8.3.6
postcss-cli ^8.3.1
react ^17.0.2
react-dom ^17.0.2
react-router ^5.2.0
react-router-dom ^5.2.0
react-scripts 5.0.1
tailwindcss ^2.2.19
web-vitals ^1.1.2
@cypress/react ^5.12.5
@cypress/webpack-dev-server ^1.8.4
@types/node ^16.18.11
@types/react ^17.0.52
@types/react-dom ^17.0.18
@types/react-router ^5.1.20
@types/react-router-dom ^5.3.3
cross-env ^7.0.3
cypress ^8.7.0
sass ^1.57.1
bcryptjs ^2.4.3
body-parser ^1.19.0
colors ^1.4.0
connect-flash ^0.1.1
connect-mongo ^3.2.0
cookie-parser ^1.4.6
cors ^2.8.5
ejs ^3.1.8
express ^4.17.1
express-session ^1.17.3
express-validator ^5.3.1
fs ^0.0.1-security
mongoose ^5.13.15
passport ^0.4.1
passport-local ^1.0.0
path ^0.12.7
validator ^10.11.0
@types/bcryptjs ^2.4.2
@types/body-parser ^1.19.1
@types/connect-flash ^0.0.37
@types/cookie-parser ^1.4.3
@types/cors ^2.8.13
@types/ejs ^3.1.1
@types/express ^4.17.13
@types/express-session ^1.17.5
@types/faker ^5.5.9
@types/jest ^29.2.5
@types/node ^16.18.11
@types/passport ^1.0.7
@types/passport-local ^1.0.35
@types/supertest ^2.0.12
@types/validator ^13.6.3
babel-jest ^29.3.1
concurrency ^0.1.4
concurrently ^6.5.1
cross-env ^7.0.3
dotenv ^10.0.0
eslint-plugin-cypress ^2.12.1
faker ^5.5.3
jest 29.3.1
jest-junit ^12.3.0
nodemon ^2.0.12
supertest ^6.3.3
ts-jest ^29.0.5
ts-node ^10.9.1
tslint ^6.1.3
typescript ^4.3.5
Branch jwt-staging
.devcontainer/Dockerfile 0-16-buster
@testing-library/jest-dom ^5.14.1
@testing-library/react ^11.2.7
@testing-library/user-event ^12.8.3
postcss ^8.3.6
postcss-cli ^8.3.1
react ^17.0.2
react-dom ^17.0.2
react-router ^5.2.0
react-router-dom ^5.2.0
react-scripts 5.0.1
tailwindcss ^2.2.19
web-vitals ^1.1.2
@cypress/react ^5.9.4
@cypress/webpack-dev-server ^1.4.0
@types/node ^16.6.1
@types/react ^17.0.52
@types/react-dom ^17.0.18
@types/react-router ^5.1.20
@types/react-router-dom ^5.1.8
cross-env ^7.0.3
cypress ^8.3.0
sass ^1.37.5
bcryptjs ^2.4.3
body-parser ^1.20.1
colors ^1.4.0
connect-flash ^0.1.1
connect-mongo ^3.2.0
cookie-parser ^1.4.5
cors ^2.8.5
ejs ^3.1.8
express ^4.17.1
express-session ^1.17.3
express-validator ^5.3.1
fs ^0.0.1-security
jsonwebtoken ^9.0.0
mongoose ^5.13.7
path ^0.12.7
validator ^10.11.0
@types/bcryptjs ^2.4.2
@types/body-parser ^1.19.2
@types/connect-flash ^0.0.37
@types/cookie-parser ^1.4.2
@types/cors ^2.8.13
@types/ejs ^3.1.1
@types/express ^4.17.13
@types/express-session ^1.17.5
@types/faker ^5.5.9
@types/jest ^29.2.5
@types/jsonwebtoken ^9.0.1
@types/node ^16.6.1
@types/supertest ^2.0.12
@types/validator ^13.6.3
babel-jest ^29.3.1
concurrency ^0.1.4
concurrently ^7.6.0
cross-env ^7.0.3
dotenv ^16.0.3
eslint-plugin-cypress ^2.11.3
faker ^5.5.3
jest 29.3.1
jest-junit ^12.2.0
nodemon ^2.0.12
supertest ^6.1.5
ts-jest ^29.0.5
ts-node ^10.2.0
tslint ^6.1.3
typescript ^4.3.5
Edited by Renovate